August 10, 2016

Pushkara Dana During this Krishna Pushkaram

  1. Pushkara Dana During this Krishna Pushkaralu
  2.  1st day Gold, Silver, Food grains and Land can be Donate. 
  3.  2nd day Clothing, Salt and Diamonds can be Donate. 
  4.  3rd day Jaggery, Asvasakha and Fruits can be Donate. 
  5.  4th day Ghee, Oil, Milk and Honey can be Donate. 
  6.  5th day Rice, Shakatamu, Vrushabhamu and Plough can be Donate. 
  7.  6th day Medicine, Camphor, Red wood and Musk can be Donate. 
  8.  7th day Household and bed can be Donate. 
  9.  8th day Red wood, Esculent and Floral pariah can be Donate.
  10.  9th day Embryo, Manials, Virgo and Blanked can be Donate. 
  11.  10th day Vegetables, Salagrama, and Books can be Donate. 
  12.  11th day Elephant can be Donate. 
  13.  12th day Sesame can be Donate.  

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